Achieve Your Next Level of Personal and Professional Success, Realize Your Full Potential, and Fulfill Your 5-year Goals in 1 Year!

Do you know deep down that you have incredible potential but can’t put it together?

Have you tried other courses, but just couldn’t stick with it?

Have you tried other courses, but just couldn’t stick with it?

Are you tired of endlessly consuming self-help content without making any progress in your life’s ambitions?

Are you finding that other courses and memberships provide empty promises, no action, and stop supporting you shortly after you pay?

Are you working on fulfilling your dreams too slowly, unsure what you’re doing is working, and succumbing to procrastination?

David Nurse has helped over 3,000 Next Club members achieve success. Here’s what they’re saying…

David Nurse has helped over 3,000 Next Club members achieve success. Here’s what they’re saying…

Shane Youngermane

"I would not be where I’m at in life right now if I didn’t get to work with you and really pivot in working toward my passion and purpose versus living life day-to-day and just trudging along."

Shane Youngermane

"This experience far exceeded my expectations, from the community, to the accountability, to being able to make changes in my life that have impacted me both personally and professionally. I cannot thank you enough, David."

…And this is how they took it to the Next Level

…And this is how they took it to the Next Level

  • Real estate company launched doing $3.6 million in revenue

  • Personal coaching business went from 0 clients to 33

  • Coffee company launched and growing rapidly in the Pacific Northwest

  • Landed a HIGH MAJOR Division 1 college basketball assistant coaching job

  • Launched a speaking career and is no doing over 300k a year in talks

  • Started a BILLION dollar financial fund, created a mastermind, and moved his family into his dream home

  • Started a clothing line and podcast that reaches over 30k people per episode

There are 10 roadblocks that stop you from achieving your success:

There are 10 roadblocks that stop you from achieving your success:

Everyone aspires to become someone great. They’re looking for the thing that will solve their problems and make them into the person they’re meant to be.

If you’re reading this, then I bet you’ve been struggling to become who you were meant to be. And you’ve undoubtedly been stopped by one (or more) of these roadblocks.

Most people allow these roadblocks to define their life. And if you believe that for long enough, you’ll be blinded from one simple fact…

1. No sense of purpose or direction
2. Struggling to set and achieve goals
3. Isolated and scared to make meaningful connections
4. Lacking access to opportunities that can propel your career or business forward
5. Battling self-doubt and imposter syndrome
6. Struggling to maintain a positive mindset in the face of challenges
7. Lack of motivation and low productivity
8. Low energy, frequent health issues, and bad sleep
9. Intimidated at the thought of new challenges
10. Fearful of rejection and life’s adversities


Anyone can achieve success with the right formula.

Yes, anyone!

David Nurse was an average kid from the middle-of-nowhere in Iowa. He didn’t attend a prestigious college, receive preferential treatment growing up, or have any wealth. He wasn’t born into any great opportunity or gifted with any special talents or above-average athleticism.

But there’s one thing he eventually acquired:

The correct formula for developing unshakeable confidence.

This is the one thing that you’ve been missing, because when you don’t have it, you’ll always succumb to the 10 roadblocks above.

This is the one thing that you’ve been missing, because when you don’t have it, you’ll always succumb to the 10 roadblocks above.

And no, confidence isn’t a personality trait that some are “just born with.” Anyone can achieve the level of confidence take helps them achieve their dreams and live exactly the life they want to.

It’s an absolute fact that YOU can achieve life-altering confidence—you just haven’t been shown how to get it.

The Next Level Club has that formula. It’s the same one David Nurse has been using to transform NBA players and Fortune 500 executives for the past 15 years.

Demolish your roadblocks and remove self-doubt.

Do you find yourself putting your dreams on hold, holding yourself back, or drifting without direction?

When we’re not 100% confident in our ability to achieve success, we sell ourselves short. It makes us feel unworthy of grasping the goal we’ve dreamed for ourselves. And that leads to settling on less than the best, or worse—not acting at all.

The Next Level Club shows you how to overcome this by identifying your roadblocks, destroying them, and giving you the courage to dream big.

We’ll teach you how to come from a place of unshakeable certainty in yourself for developing a personal mission statement, cementing your vision, and removing all self-doubt.

Optimize your health for maximum output.

Have you struggled with inconsistent energy levels? Do you get sick more often than you’d like?

When we neglect healthy habits, we’re prone to interruptions caused by unhealthy habits.

The Next Level Club will teach you how to optimize your health so you can perform every day. We’ll show you the ideal morning and evening routines, along with how to optimize sleep, nutrition, and workouts.

You’ll build a healthy lifestyle that produces more energy, strengthens your immunity, and helps you develop the mental and physical strength needed to consistently hit your goals.

Start living your life to the fullest.

Life is full of challenges—we know this.

But if knowing it was enough, the majority of us wouldn’t be stuck settling for an existence less than what we’ve dreamed.

In order to achieve your success, you need to find the thrill in taking on new challenges instead of feeling intimidated. Once you start making moves toward your goals with The Next Level Club’s support, you’ll begin developing the mindset you need to live your life to the fullest.

We’ll show you how to take your fears and turn them into the fuel you need to grasp your success.